The Monterey Bay Area

Located on the central coast, the Monterey Bay peninsula is rich with history, nature, and culture. We’re lucky to call this place home, and our programs and activities are inspired by our location.

You’ll Love to Live and Learn Here

Here are just a few of the many reasons we find our coastal location so inspiring.

  • 1

    mile from the beach

    Whether you’re diving for a marine science class or relaxing with friends, you’ll love being so close to the coast.

  • #1

    agricultural region in the U.S.

    The nearby Salinas Valley, known as the “Salad Bowl of the Nation,” is a living lab for our agriculture students

  • 5,312 sq. miles

    of underwater sanctuary

    The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary features an underwater canyon twice as deep as the Grand Canyon

  • Unique Biodiversity

    Monterey Bay is home to 180 species of seabirds/shorebirds, 36 species of marine mammals, and 525 species of fish. And, our area is literally swimming with species that don’t live anywhere else but here!

  • Local Attractions

    • Pebble Beach
    • Cannery Row
    • Old Fisherman’s Wharf
    • Big Sur
    • Monterey Bay Aquarium 
    • National Steinbeck Center
    • Point Lobos State Reserve
  • Outdoor Recreation

    • Biking
    • Hiking
    • Boating
    • Fishing
    • Surfing
    • Horseback riding
    • Whale-watching
  • Small Coastal Town Feel

    Our campus straddles the cities of Seaside and Marina, two coastal communities full of restaurants, shops, events, and attractions.

  • Big City Access

    Our proximity to Silicon Valley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area (about a two-hour drive) puts exciting internship and job opportunities within reach for our students and alumni.

  • Unique Campus History

    Built on the site of a former military fort, our campus is a big part of local history. Today, nearby Fort Ord National Monument is full of biodiversity and encompasses 86 miles of trails.

Overflowing With Opportunity

Read Annie’s Story