The campus comes alive at the 2022 Welcome BBQ
The beginning of each academic year touches off a tidal wave of student events, like the Welcome BBQ.
By Mark C. Anderson
The beginning of each academic year touches off a tidal wave of student events. The biggest happening among them is the Welcome BBQ, happening noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21.
Last year marked a memorable installment in the annual event given the long hiatus from in-person events. This year’s 2022 Welcome BBQ looks to build on that momentum—and vibe—with a more ambitious buffet of free food and drink from a number of providers, and a variety of information tables and activities.
Phyllis Grillo, an Otter alum herself, serves as CSUMB’s senior manager for University Affairs Ceremonies and Events (UCAE). In that role she’s directed the Welcome BBQ for 15 years. So she understands what it means to students, parents, supporters, faculty and staff who attend.
“This is very familial. It’s a great experience for Otters. They’re home,” she says. “I think it’s even more important since we’ve been so dispersed [remotely] for so long. We’ll be able to really feel what it’s like to have a lot of people back on campus.”
She expects around 2,500 attendees sprinkled across well-spaced activities, with food pick up time slots that will prevent crowding.
A Mind and Body Fair — born of a collaboration between Health and Wellness Services, Makerspace, and Recreation — will be a multi-faceted draw. Health and Wellness professionals will lead relaxing art exercises, while outlining helpful CSUMB self-care resources.
Makerspace will invite attendees to create a custom-designed button, while illuminating those gathered about workshops, open hours, tools, supplies and activities that happen on the third floor of the Tanimura and Antle Library.
The CSUMB Recreation team, meanwhile, will oversee a slate of lawn activities and games like corn hole, ladder ball and spike ball.
Additional attractions include: a photo booth, inflatable ax throwing, a giant velcro soccer dart game, a carnival-style hangman challenge, an inflatable basketball showdown, and an inflatable baseball competition.
Meanwhile, energizing Brazilian-fusion rhythm band SambaDá will merge funk, exuberant percussion, Afro-Cuban and reggae, live on the grassy quad.
Alexandra Perez and her team at Otter Kitchens will roll out six buffet lines stacked with hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, watermelon, coleslaw and cookies, with one table fully equipped with gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian fare.
And there will be more food and drink where that came from. Vendors like Coca Cola and Monster will share new and classic beverages. Bimbo will present pastries. C Store Market reps will offer snacks that reflect the inventory at the campus convenience store. Starbucks will do coffee, cookies and pastries at the Otter Student Union. CSUMB Athletics will spin cotton candy, aka “Otter floss,” in school blue.
“It’s a trademark event that gives [guests] a glimpse of the food, catering and support available,” Perez says. “It brings that sense of community back to campus.”
Before the Welcome BBQ ramps up, a range of other mixers happen, like a Back to School Bingo Night, class-finding tours, Late Night with the Otter Student Union, and Residential Housing Association Ice Cream Socials. Check out the full list.
In short, there will be a lot going on, a lot to eat, and a lot to learn for new and returning Otters alike.
Like Grillo says, “Let’s get back in the raft!”
News Information
- Published
- August 18, 2022
- Department/College
- University News