Health and safety practices for all Otters
We expect all Otters will help protect our community by wearing a KF94, KN95, or N95 respirator in all indoor spaces.
This message was emailed to all students, faculty, and staff on Jan. 26, 2022.
Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester. The health and safety of our campus remain our highest priority, and together we can follow these three steps to keep our campus community safe.
1. Do not come to campus if you are sick.
If you have any common symptoms of COVID-19, do not come to campus except to visit the campus testing site in the Otter Student Union for a walk-in COVID-19 test.
- If you received a positive COVID-19 test result from an off-campus test site, complete the CSUMB COVID-19 positive form.
- For all reported positive cases, an exposure tracing analyst will call you, conduct an interview, provide you with direction on how long you remain away from campus, and when you may return. At this time, CSUMB continues to follow 10 days of isolation and exclusion from accessing campus to mitigate the omicron surge in California.
If you do not have symptoms but had recent close contact — meaning being within six feet for 15 cumulative minutes in 24 hours — with a COVID-19 positive individual, follow these steps:
- If you have not received a booster and have been in close contact:
- Do not come to Campus.
- Complete the CSUMB COVID-19 reporting form and select the appropriate option for close-contact reporting.
- On the fifth day, visit the campus testing site in the Otter Student Union for a walk-in COVID-19 test.
- If you receive a negative test, you may return to campus.
- If you have received a booster and do not have symptoms:
- Complete the CSUMB COVID-19 reporting form and select the appropriate option for close-contact reporting.
- Monitor for symptoms for ten days from your day of contact with the COVID-19 positive person.
- If you experience any symptoms, get a COVID-19 test and do not come to campus.
- Wear KF94, KN95, or N95 masks at all times in any indoor space.
- On the fifth day, visit the campus testing site in the Otter Student Union for a walk-in COVID-19 test.
2. Wear a mask in all indoor spaces.
KF94, KN95, or N95 masks provide more protection.
The CDC recommends switching to a more protective mask to guard against the transmission of new COVID-19 variants.
The university now provides KN95 masks for free in all campus buildings and classrooms. We expect all Otters will help protect our community by wearing a KF94, KN95, or N95 mask in all indoor spaces.
Cloth masks and three-ply medical masks do not provide sufficient levels of protection. All Otters are encouraged to use the provided KN95 masks and replace them when torn or dirty with a new mask. Please only take one mask at a time so they are available for others who may need them.
Individual employees who want an N95 mask may request them and, in the process, must view a training video about the proper use of an N95 mask.
3. Get a vaccine and a booster. Then provide proof in the Otter Vaccination Registry.
- Have your vaccination card ready to enter your information.
- If you don't have your vaccination card, locate your California digital Immunization Card online at If you received your vaccinations in another state, check with the appropriate state or vaccine administrating provider.
- Have an image of your vaccination card ready to upload. The file types that work best are JPG, PNG, and PDF.
- If you are using your phone to upload your information, we suggest taking a photo of your card before starting the submission process.
- Visit the new Otter Vaccination Registry. The interface is updated and requires submitting information for each vaccination dose separately. You will need to log in using your CSUMB web username and password.
- Follow the prompts to complete each question in the form.
- Upload your proof of vaccination file.
- Add each vaccination dose separately using the "add another dose" link when needed.
- After entering all information, be sure to select "submit" at the bottom of the page.
After submitting your information, the system will display an information page confirming that you completed the requirement to submit your vaccination and booster information to CSUMB.
News Information
- Published
- January 27, 2022
- Department/College
- University News