Events include film screenings, a foodie event, a gala, meet-ups and roller skate night.
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Events include film screenings, a foodie event, a gala, meet-ups and roller skate night.
The Master's in Social Work program has nearly doubled in size and is making an impact on the shortage of social workers in the tri-county region.
Entrepreneur and author Guy Kawasaki is the keynote speaker and Monterey Mayor Tyller Williamson will be on a discussion panel that follows.
Students and staff will speak on a variety of topics.
Distinguished lecturer Jeffrey Froshman teaches the 10/20/70 strategy.
The new streamlined collaborative program allows students to obtain a bachelor's in nursing in just 2 1/2 years.
Gruwell discussed her ongoing work to inspire young people through writing.
Erin Gruwell will discuss motivating students through writing.
Four writers addressed issues of class, race, community and more.
The newly opened Marina store will mean more volume for CSUMB's Basic Needs program.