CSUMB 2024 - Program

Content Type Details

ID: 413
Name: CSUMB 2024 - Program
Description: Add the program page to the site
Minimum user level: Contributor
Use with page layouts: CSUMB 2024 - Full Width

How to Use

  • Add a Program Name
  • Optionally add a Program Summary
  • Optionally a Button. Add Button Text and either select a section or content item for the Button Link (internal) (ignore the Use default link text checkbox), or paste the full URL for the Button Link (external) (please do not enter both)
  • Optionally add an Image. Recommend image is at least 1360px x 800px. The image can be any size or aspect ratio, and will be cropped and resized to the size required automatically by a service called PXL.
  • Select the Degree Awarded
  • Select Colleges and Departments which apply
  • Select the Program Level and Associates Degree Transfer Track
  • Optionally add text for the Minor and Concentration
  • Add the Description, containing the information about the Program. This is a WYSIWYG area which supports headings, lists, links, tables, images etc, see WYSIWYG content options for guidance and examples
  • Add a Meta Description and Meta Keywords

Additional Content

After adding your CSUMB 2024 - Program content item additional content types which are compatible with the CSUMB 2024 - Full Width page layout can be added. Ensure the CSUMB 2024 - Program is the first content item in the section.

Content Type Elements Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Program NameEnter the name of the program200 CharactersPlain TextYes
Program SummaryEnter the summary for the program300 CharactersPlain TextNo
Button TextEnter the text for the Call to Action50 CharactersPlain TextNo
Button Link (internal)Select a section/content for an internal linkN/ASection/Content LinkNo
Button Link (external)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link200 CharactersPlain TextNo
Image 1360x800Select the image from media libraryN/AMediaNo
Degree AwardedSelect the value from the dropdownN/ASelect Box
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Degree Awarded)
Colleges and DepartmentsSelect the colleges or departmentsN/AMulti-select List
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Colleges and Department List)
Program TypeSelect the program typesN/AMulti-select List
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Program Type)
Program LevelSelect the value from the dropdownN/ASelect Box
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Program Level)
Associates Degree Transfer TrackSelect the value from the dropdownN/ASelect Box
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Associates Degree Transfer Track)
Associates Degree Transfer Track NewMultiselect version of Associates Degree Transfer TrackN/AMulti-select List
(List: CSUMB 2024 - Associates Degree Transfer Track)
MinorEnter the minor value50 CharactersPlain TextNo
ConcentrationEnter the concentration value1000 CharactersPlain TextNo
DescriptionEnter the description about the program999999 CharactersHTMLYes
Meta DescriptionEnter the meta data description150 CharactersPlain TextYes
Meta KeywordsEnter the meta data keywords150 CharactersPlain TextYes


See Program Detail build example.