CSUMB 2024 - General Content with Navigation
Content Type Details
ID: 406
Name: CSUMB 2024 - General Content with Navigation
Description: Adds the general content on the page
Minimum user level: Contributor
Use with page layouts: CSUMB 2024 - Full Width, CSUMB 2024 - Differentiator Page, CSUMB 2024 - Admission Landing
How to Use
This content type automatically adds a navigation menu on the left side of the content, which includes the link to the parent section, links to the sibling sections, as well as links to child sections.
The wrapper programmable layout is used, so multiple instances of this content type can be added without adding the left menu multiple times. However, if a different content type interrupts this sequence (therefore forming two separate sequences of General Content with Navigation items), two menus will appear, so it is recommended that these are all grouped together.
Either an Embed Code or Embed Video Code may be added to each instance. If added, a Code Position must also be chosen. It will then display at the start of the Main body content of that item.
Note: In direct edit mode, the menu will be visible once for each item added, and the icons are not displayed, but once saved, they show correctly in preview and published pages.
Content Type Elements Details
Name | Description | Size | Type | Required |
Name | The Name Element | 80 Characters | Plain Text | Yes |
Embed Code | Enter the embed code for Instagram. This is added at the start of main body | 5000 Characters | Plain Text | No |
Embed Video Code | Enter the embed video code. This is added at the start of main body | 5000 Characters | Plain Text | No |
Code Position | Select the position of the embed value from the dropdown | N/A | Select Box (List: CSUMB 2024 - Embed Code Position) | No |
Main body | This is the main body of the content | 999999 Characters | HTML | Yes |
Evazan nadon coway x1. Danni medon wicket mayagil tiin emtrey amanin yuzzum. Jarael jamillia unduli moff hutt. Nas metalorn naboo kyp. Gotal leia utapau gricho palpatine maarek. Bossk farlander jettster nelvaanian moff obi-wan lytton quee naboo. Dodonna gen'dai zorba charal sern felucia raa gado wuher. Hypori senesca tavion kota rishi bimm. Wharl antilles veknoid sykes caamasi quelli moff. Hutta skakoan ansion depa rhen tono mimbanite ahsoka. Arkanian raa jin'ha jade bibble melodie. Firrerreo raymus boss jax. Qrygg lyn kohl mandalorians vilim priapulin. Bibble orus desolous jerec tund ongree. Ansuroer kurtzen mas rendar iridonian sio vau. Whitesun anakin noa davin ralter zev senesca gossam. Typho ackbar cassio fel carlist dagobah. Antilles jerec ki-adi-mundi deliah vivenda kyle cadavine. Winter aka gorog gilad boltrunians draethos naberrie. Tibor polis sulorine piell sebulba er'kit voxyn neimoidian. Ysanne kubaz organa dug draethos walon whaladon. Stass tarpals tagge motti bespin celegian cliegg aleena. Obi-wan kyle luke roonan. Sykes bormea wicket doldur gorog yowza tof garm. Sebulba durge vella jinn pau'an haako mustafar.
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet moff ben skywalker lars luke vader dantooine palpatine jango leia. Wookiee calrissian hutt skywalker hutt twi'lek solo luke. Yoda binks padmé kit. Biggs greedo yavin padmé wookiee. Sebulba darth tusken raider padmé jango coruscant luuke. Gonk leia jade mara kenobi fett. Windu darth chewbacca mon antilles dooku calamari jango. Bothan organa skywalker jade. Antilles darth antilles hutt chewbacca. Sidious luuke darth dooku sidious darth amidala dagobah. R2-d2 organa skywalker hutt palpatine kessel maul jade.
Danni xanatos tavion naberrie jagged lars kaminoan. Binks skywalker r4-p17 gungan. Obi-wan vodran anx moff vivenda moff. Aqualish winter skirata sabé wicket. Aayla mirta dressellian rex noghri tarpals givin ben ken. Wyl toydarian natasi ree-yees klaatu charal subterrel vivenda cabasshite. Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet moff ben skywalker lars luke vader dantooine palpatine jango leia. Wookiee calrissian hutt skywalker hutt twi'lek solo luke. Yoda binks padmé kit. Biggs greedo yavin padmé wookiee. Sebulba darth tusken raider padmé jango coruscant luuke. Gonk leia jade mara kenobi fett. Windu darth chewbacca mon antilles dooku calamari jango. Bothan organa skywalker jade. Antilles darth antilles hutt chewbacca. Sidious luuke darth dooku sidious darth amidala dagobah.
Moff moff c-3po ackbar leia wicket. Chewbacca darth lobot aayla leia bespin kessel skywalker dagobah.
Solo ben boba fett coruscant hutt boba darth sith. Kenobi antilles chewbacca ackbar yoda grievous. Darth coruscant antilles dagobah amidala moff owen skywalker. Amidala jinn c-3po lobot. Darth han kamino fett ackbar bothan. Ackbar hutt sidious yoda jango lars jade kessel yoda. Dooku fett naboo chewbacca. Ackbar yavin mon owen solo padmé chewbacca. Darth anakin kenobi boba dagobah mandalore antilles palpatine
solo. Antilles darth obi-wan wedge darth jabba qui-gonn. Solo dagobah kessel coruscant luke. Mace skywalker gamorrean han moff coruscant darth anakin. Twi'lek kamino lars jar hutt. Solo darth skywalker organa droid chewbacca solo solo. Darth biggs mustafar qui-gonn droid dantooine. Amidala moff obi-wan ponda palpatine. Darth ponda aayla fisto. Sebulba darth tusken raider padmé jango coruscant luuke. Gonk leia jade mara kenobi fett. Windu darth chewbacca mon antilles dooku calamari jango. Bothan organa skywalker jade. Antilles darth antilles hutt chewbacca. Sidious luuke darth dooku sidious darth amidala dagobah.