Directory Profile

Content Type Details

ID: 317
Name: Directory Profile
Description: Content to add profiles to the Directory Search.
Minimum user level: Contributor
Use with page layouts: CSUMB 2024 - Full Width, CSUMB 2024 - Differentiator Page, CSUMB 2024 - Admission Landing

How to Use

This content type will be used inside the Profile Section content type. The Directory Profile content can be added anywhere, as the Profile Section includes content link elements to fetch it anywhere in the channel.

The profile content will only be visible if the First Name element exists. The visible elements in the profile (if added in the content) are First Name, Last Name, and Title.

Content Type Elements Details

NameThe Name element250 CharactersPlain TextYes
Employee Number250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Username250 CharactersPlain TextNo
First Name250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Last Name250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Title250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Phone Number250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Email Address250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Department250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Building250 CharactersPlain TextNo
Room Number250 CharactersPlain TextNo
MessageHidden field required for the form URL250 CharactersPlain TextNo
UniqueID500 CharactersPlain TextNo
Selected Works250 CharactersPlain TextNo