CSUMB 2024 - Card CTA - New

Content Type Details

ID: 428
Name: CSUMB 2024 - Card CTA - New
Description: Choose from three different styles of cards (Image Card, Stat Card, List Card). Appears in several sections using a sub section.
Minimum user level: Contributor
Use with page layouts: CSUMB 2024 - Full Width, CSUMB 2024 - Differentiator Page, CSUMB 2024 - Admission Landing

How to Use

This card content type must be used in a child section related to any of these specific content types:

Three designs are available to choose from: Stat, Image or List. Below are the designs for each, respectively:

CTA Cards

The order of cards can be changed manually in section by clicking and dragging the cross icon in the Order column on the left or using the automatic ordering options.

If the card type is "Image", the recommended image size is at least 197px x 296px. The image can be any size or aspect ratio, and will be cropped and resized to the size required automatically by a service called PXL.

Content Type Elements Details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Card StyleChoose the style for this cardN/ASelect Box
(List: Card Style)
EyebrowEnter text for the subheading255 CharactersPlain TextNo
Card TitleEnter text for the heading255 CharactersPlain TextYes
DescriptionEnter Description text. Appears on Image or Stat cards.255 CharactersPlain TextNo
StatEnter stat15 CharactersPlain TextNo
ImageUpload (197x296) image from Media LibraryN/AMediaNo
Link TextEnter Link text. Appears on Image or Stat cards255 CharactersPlain TextNo
Link InternalEnter Link Internal URL. Appears on Image or Stat cards.N/ASection/Content LinkNo
Link ExternalEnter Link External URL. Appears on Image or Stat cards.255 CharactersPlain TextNo
List 1 TitleEnter title for the first list in a List Card255 CharactersPlain TextNo
List 1 ListEnter unordered list for the first list in a List Card2000 CharactersHTMLNo
List 2 TitleEnter title for the second list in a List Card255 CharactersPlain TextNo
List 2 ListEnter unordered list for the second list in a List Card2000 CharactersHTMLNo