Scholarships & Awards

We offer a variety of need- and merit-based awards to help you pursue your education.

Scholarships are financial aid awards that do not need to be repaid. Cal State Monterey Bay offers a variety of scholarship opportunities for students of all levels and areas of study. 

The Office of Financial Aid keeps a list of available scholarships; some of those options are listed on this page. Additionally, you may apply for awards from outside organizations. Explore your options and learn how to apply. 

Explore All Scholarship Opportunities 


Additional Cal State Monterey Bay Scholarships

These scholarships are offered directly from Cal State Monterey Bay or the CSU system.

The John S. Myszak Scholarship for Future Teachers was created in 2004 to continue John's legacy of educating young people by helping to defray the costs of college and credentialing requirements for those committed to becoming good educators. Through this scholarship, John's love of and commitment to the teaching profession are passed on to the next generation of teachers.

Complete the application.

The World Affairs Council of the Monterey Bay Area, Inc. is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization established to promote the presentation, discussion, and study of international affairs. 

The World Affairs Council of the Monterey Bay Area makes annual $2,000 merit-based WAC Scholarships to local students, including from Cal State Monterey Bay. The scholarship is designed to supplement the cost of tuition and books. Candidates must be high academic achievers and show interest in international affairs and/or related subjects. Students need to apply themselves and are responsible for getting recommendations.

Learn more or apply here. 

The California Pre-Doctoral Program is designed to increase the pool of potential California State University faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of CSU statewide system students who have experienced economic and educational disadvantages.

Learn about the program or apply.

The goal of this scholarship program is to attract and support high-caliber nursing students who choose to complete their advanced nursing studies, RN to BSN or ADN to BSN programs, at Cal State Monterey Bay. 

The scholarship fund provides financial support to eligible students for tuition relief and other student expenses as established by the university as normal supplemental scholarship funding for students in the nursing program.

Priority consideration will be given to scholarship applications in the following order:

  • First priority will be given to RN to BSN applicants
  • Second priority will be given to ADN to BSN applicants

Learn more or apply here.

The Coll Gordon Perske Memorial Fund provides an annual scholarship of $1,500 for a CSUMB graduate student in the marine sciences. The award winner will be chosen based on the quality of their application and the alignment of their research with the interests of the Coll Gordon Perske Memorial Fund.

Complete the application.

Learn about the Foundation. 

This scholarship program aims to support students pursuing studies in Agricultural Plant and Soil Science (AGPS) by providing financial assistance, professional development, and mentorship opportunities. This scholarship has been made possible through the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA). Learn more about the CSUMB's NextGen Grant provided by USDA.

Award Details:

AGPS NextGen Scholarship Program can award up to $10,000 to individuals who have been admitted to the CSUMB AGPS major. Recipients are expected to participate in enrichment activities to support their academic and professional growth, including but not exclusively workshops, mentoring programs, and networking events.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Incoming junior undergraduate student in the AGPS program
  • Good academic standing (2.50 GPA or higher)
  • Need-based scholarship (must demonstrate eligibility for federal financial aid)

Apply here.

Nurse with laptop in class

Maria Elena Garcia

With this [nursing] scholarship, I was able to make my dream a reality.

External Scholarship Opportunities

These scholarships are made possible through outside organizations.

The California Legislative Central Coast Caucus Foundation (CLCCCF) is pleased to invite California Central Coast students from the following counties to apply for an educational scholarship of $2,000: Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura. At least one scholarship will be awarded to a student in each County.

Learn about the scholarship or apply here.

The Live Your Dream Awards offers three awards. Eligible applicants can submit their application between August 1 to November 15.

Ultimately, a Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential to receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her dreams.

Learn about the scholarship or apply here. is a teacher advocacy site for students interested in considering teaching (and many other avenues within the field of education) as a career.

We offer yearly $2,5000 scholarships for college students studying to become teachers or work in the field of education. The "Inspire Our Future" scholarship is open to undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral candidates.

Applicants can major in the following at the bachelor's, master's, or doctorate level:

  • Child Development
  • Early Childhood Education 
  • Education 
  • Educational Administration 
  • Secondary Education 
  • Special Education 

Learn about the scholarship or apply here.

This award ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 and is offered to undergraduate or graduate students with a minimum GPA of 2.50.

Learn about the scholarship or apply here. 

Since 1928 when the Rome Prize Fellowship in Landscape Architecture was established, The Garden Club of America has funded more than 1,400 recipients. The GCA offers 28 merit-based scholarships, fellowships, and awards in 12 areas.

Learn about the scholarship or apply here.