
For students new to CSUMB who need their first OtterCard, or who are returning after having left CSUMB, your OtterCard will be given to you during your New Student Orientation or move-in for Housing. Please see the section "Online Photo Submissions" below for more information on uploading your OtterCard photo. We strongly encourage you to upload your photo and pick your card up during either of those two events. If the semester has begun and you were unable to attend Orientation or come during move-in for Housing, please visit the Office of Admissions on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building (bldg. 47) to get your CSUMB Otter ID card. Hours are 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For staff, faculty, non-student Otter ID cards, or replacement ID cards please visit the Bursar's Office in Mountain Hall, Suite B from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 12:30 - 4:00, Monday through Friday.

In either circumstance, please be sure to bring a picture ID with you (driver’s license, passport, etc). 

Your OtterCard is your student/faculty/staff identification. You can use your OtterCard as a:

  • Library card
  • Campus shuttle and MST bus pass
  • Otter Sports Center pass
  • Key into your residential hall and/or workspace

You can load money on your OtterCard and use it as a debit card at:

  • Dining facilities on campus
  • Campus bookstore

A $10.00 replacement fee is charged for all lost, stolen or damaged cards whether student, staff, or faculty. This fee is also charged for changing your card's photo or showing an updated name. 

If you need a replacement OtterCard, or you have questions regarding your replacement OtterCard, please visit the Bursar's Office in Mountain Hall, Suite B from 9:00 a.m. - noon and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cost is $10.00. Cash or checks are only accepted in-person. If you would like to pay with a card, you can pay online for the replacement. Please be sure to choose the category "Other" and you must choose the payment item "ID CARD" only. 

If your card doesn't work at a dining facility it could be one of two things. Either your meal plan isn't loaded properly or there is physical damage to your mag stripe. Card issues cannot be diagnosed remotely and you will need to visit the Bursar's Office in Mountain Hall, Suite B from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 12:30 - 4:00, Monday through Friday.

Do not do the following with your card:

  • Leave in direct sunlight for example on the dash of a car
  • Expose to extreme heat or open flames
  • Expose to organic solvents, thinners, mineral spirits
  • Machine wash
  • Use as an ice scraper or scraping tool
  • Crimp, punch holes, bend, or twist card
  • Re-laminate
  • Immerse in alcohol, Isopropyl, ethanol, methyl etc.
  • Bite
  • Pound with a pen or tool

OtterBucks are the campus currency loaded on the OtterCard and set up as a declining balance account. Generally, OtterBucks are used as currency in the Bookstore and food locations across campus. This account is a record of your money deposited into your OtterBucks account. The money is available for purchasing products and services wherever OtterBucks are accepted. You do not earn interest, and you may not use the OtterCard as a credit card or to obtain cash. You may not transfer your account.

Account benefits
  1. It’s easier than using cash or credit cards
  2. OtterBucks are added by 10pm the day they are purchased if purchased before 8pm that day. Otherwise they are added by 10pm the following day.
  3. OtterBucks carry over year to year until you leave campus
  4. Perfect for busy students

You can purchase OtterBucks here.

What are OtterBucks? OtterBucks are the campus currency loaded to your Otter Card, and is set up as a declining balance account. OtterBucks can be used for purchase on campus where OtterBucks are accepted (bookstore and dining facilities).

Who can use OtterBucks? CSUMB students, staff, and faculty

How can I check my Otterbucks balance? You can download the GET mobile app by CBORD or you can contact the Bursar's office in person from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 12:30 - 4:00, Monday through Friday, email them, or call them 831-582-4022.

Can parents add money to my OtterBucks account? Yes. The student must set up a Parent Pin for parents to purchase OtterBucks.

Can I get a refund for my OtterBucks? Eligible OtterBucks refunds are subject to a $20 administrative fee. Approved refunds will be paid by check and may take up to 30 days.

Refunds may be subject to restrictions:
  • OtterBucks amounts deposited by campus departments and programs (such as Housing, etc.) are non-refundable.
  • Accounts with balances $20 or less will not be refunded.
  • Balances due to CSUMB will be deducted from refund amount

What happens with my OtterBucks at the end of the semester? OtterBucks do not expire and will roll over to the next semester and/or academic year unless you are no longer affiliated with the University.

Inactive OtterBucks accounts

OtterBucks accounts with no activity for a 12-month period will be considered dormant. Dormant accounts will be closed on or after the 13th month of inactivity and remaining funds will be forfeited.

Graduating student accounts

Graduating students need to follow the refund process prior to commencement to receive a refund.

Online Photo Submissions

The information below is only for newly admitted students who have never submitted an OtterCard photo and have never had an OtterCard if returning to CSUMB.

New, first time students must submit their OtterCard photo online. Uploading your photo online for it to be ready for you to pick up during your New Student Orientation or during move-in for housing will make your start at CSUMB much easier and allow you to have your OtterCard ready for your first day of classes with a minimum of inconvenience to you.

Once you have paid your Enrollment Confirmation, check the personal email account that you used to apply to CSUMB for an email giving you access to our photo upload site. From there, you can upload the photo of your choice as your OtterCard photo.

You will receive your OtterCard at your New Student Orientation.

Otter ID Cards cannot be mailed. 

Be sure to review the photo guidelines below!

Photo Submission Guidelines

You can make sure that your photo is approved by following these guidelines:

  • You are the only person in the photo
  • Your face is clearly visible with a neutral facial expression or a smile while looking directly at the camera.
  • Your photo has a solid background (no trees, ocean, etc.)
  • You are not making gestures or hand signs and there are no other objects in your photo (including sunglasses, and non-religious or non-medical head coverings).
  • Your photo is cropped just above your shoulders (no full body shots) and your entire face/head are in the photo, oriented vertically and not angled.
  • No social media filters are applied to the photo.

Why was my photo rejected?

It was most likely rejected due to not meeting the submission guidelines. Standards for acceptable photos are strict as OtterCards are official state-issued ID cards.

My photo was accepted, can I come to pick up my card right away?

Your card will not be available until Orientation or after if attending for the Fall semester. It can be picked up before  orientation at Admissions if you are admitted for Spring and you already have an enrollment date. 

I never got the email with the access link, what do I do?

Check your spam or junk folder. If you can't find it or it was deleted, email to request another email.

How can I get my OtterCard?

You will receive your OtterCard at your New Student Orientation, during move-in for housing or at the Admissions Office in the Student Services Building from 9:00 to 4:00, Monday through Friday.

Will my OtterCard be mailed to me or can it be mailed to me?

We are unfortunately unable to mail OtterCards. 

I missed the deadline, can I still submit a photo?

Please send an email to to request that the link be sent to you. Please include your CSUMB Dashboard/OKTA log in username.

I picked up my ID at Orientation, but I lost/broke it! How do I get a new one?

You can get a replacement OtterCard at the Bursar's Office in Mountain Hall, Suite B from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 12:30 - 4:00, Monday through Friday. Be aware that there is a $10 fee to replace your card.

I'm a current student, can I still upload a photo?

You can request the upload link if you have never had a CSUMB ID card before. If you previously uploaded a photo, the upload will not work. Otherwise, please email

Questions about your OtterCard?

We're here to help answer any questions you have about your OtterCard

Office of Admissions

Contact us for questions about OtterCards for new students

Contact us for questions about OtterCards for staff, faculty and replacement OtterCards