For students new to CSUMB who need their first OtterCard, or who are returning after having left CSUMB, your OtterCard will be given to you during your New Student Orientation or move-in for Housing. Please see the section "Online Photo Submissions" below for more information on uploading your OtterCard photo. We strongly encourage you to upload your photo and pick your card up during either of those two events. If the semester has begun and you were unable to attend Orientation or come during move-in for Housing, please visit the Office of Admissions on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building (bldg. 47) to get your CSUMB Otter ID card. Hours are 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For staff, faculty, non-student Otter ID cards, or replacement ID cards please visit the Bursar's Office in Mountain Hall, Suite B from 9:00 - 12:00 and from 12:30 - 4:00, Monday through Friday.
In either circumstance, please be sure to bring a picture ID with you (driver’s license, passport, etc).
Your OtterCard is your student/faculty/staff identification. You can use your OtterCard as a:
- Library card
- Campus shuttle and MST bus pass
- Otter Sports Center pass
- Key into your residential hall and/or workspace
You can load money on your OtterCard and use it as a debit card at:
- Dining facilities on campus
- Campus bookstore
Online Photo Submissions
The information below is only for newly admitted students who have never submitted an OtterCard photo and have never had an OtterCard if returning to CSUMB.
New, first time students must submit their OtterCard photo online. Uploading your photo online for it to be ready for you to pick up during your New Student Orientation or during move-in for housing will make your start at CSUMB much easier and allow you to have your OtterCard ready for your first day of classes with a minimum of inconvenience to you.
Once you have paid your Enrollment Confirmation, check the personal email account that you used to apply to CSUMB for an email giving you access to our photo upload site. From there, you can upload the photo of your choice as your OtterCard photo.
You will receive your OtterCard at your New Student Orientation.
Otter ID Cards cannot be mailed.
Be sure to review the photo guidelines below!

Questions about your OtterCard?
We're here to help answer any questions you have about your OtterCard
Contact us for questions about OtterCards for staff, faculty and replacement OtterCards