Preliminary Special Education Teaching, Credential

The Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential will offer you the highest level of preparation for either the California Preliminary Mild to Moderate Support Needs Teaching Credential or the California Preliminary Extensive Support Needs Teaching Credential, empowering you to positively impact special needs students in their school work and throughout all life domains.

Empowering You to Excel in Your Chosen Profession

The program will instill in you the knowledge, training, disposition, and perspectives it takes to truly make a difference in the lives of students with special needs.

You’ll find graduates of the credential program creating positive teaching and learning experiences throughout all of the schools and districts local to CSUMB, as well as at schools and districts throughout California.

The program delivers excellent preparation to enhance your career in any number of teaching and educational roles working with special needs students, including:

  • Special Education Teacher (Elementary, Middle or High School)
  • Resource Specialist Position (RSP)
  • Special Day Class (SDC) Teacher
  • Post Secondary Special Education Teacher
  • Non-Public School (NPS) Special Education Teacher
Aerial Image of Campus

Public University Price, Private University Experience

A Lifetime of Value

Preliminary Special Education Teaching, Credential

The credential program will prepare you to obtain the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs or Extensive Support Needs) through preferred curriculum and instructional practices, basic and applied research, collaboration with general education partners, and hands-on skill development in local schools.


Educational Objectives

Our strong focus on enhancing equitable outcomes for all students will prepare you to create learning environments that foster the success of special needs students in the classroom and in all other aspects of their lives.

Our emphasis on evidence-based literacy instructional practices will empower you as a teacher to help students improve their academic performance, enhance their social-emotional development, and increase student engagement.

Our implementation of classroom behavior support strategies will equip you with the skills necessary to utilize positive behaviors in response to challenging situations as a way to improve classroom communication.

Our faculty mentorship and hands-on learning will provide you with all the individualized support and guidance you need, as well as on-site clinical coaching throughout your field teaching placements at elementary schools in Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey.

Students seeking a Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential must complete all of the following coursework:


Students in the Intern Program must also complete the following course:

Courses not required for individuals who hold a Clear Multiple or Single Subjects Credential


To be eligible for the Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential, students must select one of the two following options below (Mild to Moderate, or, Extensive Support Needs) and complete the associated coursework.

Mild to Moderate Required Courses

Students pursuing a Mild to Moderate Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential must complete all of the following courses:


Extensive Support Needs Required Courses

Students pursuing an Extensive Support Needs Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential must complete all of the following courses:

Teaching Credential must complete all of the following coursework:


Students in the Intern Program must also complete the following course:

Courses not required for individuals who hold a Clear Multiple or Single Subjects Credential


To be eligible for the Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential, students must select one of the two following options below (Mild to Moderate, or, Extensive Support Needs) and complete the associated coursework.

Mild to Moderate Required Courses

Students pursuing a Mild to Moderate Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential must complete all of the following courses:


Extensive Support Needs Required Courses

Students pursuing an Extensive Support Needs Preliminary Special Education Teaching Credential must complete all of the following courses:

Our location will enable you to engage in the 90 hours of experience that fulfill the six California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs) at a diverse range of schools and districts throughout the CSUMB region. Some of these experiences incorporate our unique coastal location, taking students into the Elkhorn Slough and the Monterey Bay.

Through your extensive field experiences you’ll find opportunities to give back by participating in school leadership team activities, managing and refining the credit recovery program in the district, organizing community outings for moderate/severe special education students in collaboration with their parents, and participating in book clubs on culturally responsive teaching.

Faculty & Staff

Our student-centered approach, discussion based courses, and extensive faculty support and mentorship will provide you with all of the individualized attention and guidance you need to make the most of the program.

Scott Ross

Scott Ross

Associate Professor

Scott Ross

Scott Ross

Faculty Additional Employment

Josh Harrower

Josh Harrower


Josh Harrower

Josh Harrower

Department Chair 12-Mo

Darlene Moitoso

Darlene Moitoso

Administrative Support Coordinator

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the Preliminary Special Education Teaching credential program.

Our experienced and supportive admissions staff is here to provide all the individualized guidance you need.

Study Preliminary Special Education Teaching in an inspiring coastal environment where we are truly committed to mentorship and an engaging student experience.