Kinesiology, B.S.
Developing tomorrow’s experts in the study of human movement who are practice-ready to help people live longer, happier, and healthier lives.
The B.S. in Kinesiology will prepare you with expertise in exercise science, behavior change, motor behavior, biomechanics, sport and health psychology, and wellness to help individuals, families, and communities live better, healthier lives.
Public University Price, Private University Experience
A Lifetime of Value
Kinesiology, B.S.
The Kinesiology program integrates knowledge of the discipline, multi-cultural competency, civic engagement, professional responsibility, and advanced concepts in Exercise Science and Wellness in a way that will prepare you for immediate success upon graduation.
Educational Objectives
Our Exercise is Medicine On Campus program will inspire a distinctive level of preparation as you gain hands-on experience working with programs and real-world clients on the CSUMB campus as part of the Global Health Initiative.
Our 120-hour internship experience will place you in the heart of real-world client interactions in settings like Physical and Occupational Therapy, Cardiac Rehab, Strength and Conditioning, Corporate and Commercial Fitness, and other sites across the Monterey peninsula.
Our program concentrations in Exercise Science and Wellness will allow you to customize your learning experience with courses tailored to your academic and career goals.
Our world-class facilities including the Exercise Physiology Laboratory and the Strength & Conditioning Laboratory will empower you with a heightened level of skills and competencies that can lead to certification exams administered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the American College of Sports Medicine.
Complete all of the following core courses:
- STAT 100 - Introduction to Statistics Units: 3
- KIN 300 - Major Pro-Seminar Units: 1
- KIN 355 - Ethics in Physical Activity and Health Units: 3
- KIN 360 - Nutritional Science Units: 3
- KIN 360L - Nutritional Science Lab Units: 1
- KIN 370 - Anatomy & Physiology I Units: 3
- KIN 370L - Anatomy & Physiology I Lab Units: 1
- KIN 371 - Anatomy & Physiology II Units: 3
- KIN 371L - Anatomy & Physiology II Lab Units: 1
- KIN 390 - Exercise Physiology Units: 3
- KIN 471S - Kinesiology Service Learning Units: 3
Complete one of the following core courses:
- KIN 497 - Senior Capstone I Units: 2
- KIN 499 - Senior Capstone II Units: 2
Complete all of the following courses:
- KIN 310 - Athletic Strength & Condition Units: 3
- KIN 340 - Personal Training Units: 3
- KIN 421L - Essential of Exercise Sci Lab Units: 3
- KIN 430 - Phys & Biomech Aerobic Exer Units: 3
- KIN 440 - Phys & Biomech Anaerobic Exer Units: 3
- KIN 450 - Exer Prescript for Special Pop Units: 3
- One additional Upper Division KIN course, not previously taken
Complete the following course:
Complete one of the following courses:
- KIN 350 - Worksite Health Promotion Units: 3
- KIN 366 - Health Behavior and Promotion Units: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
- KIN 450 - Exer Prescript for Special Pop Units: 3
- KIN 490 - Evolutionary Medicine Units: 3
Complete two of the following courses, not previously taken:
- KIN 303 - Fundamental Athletic Injury Management Units: 3
- KIN 320 - Sports Nutrition Units: 3
- KIN 340 - Personal Training Units: 3
- KIN 346 - Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Units: 3
- KIN 350 - Worksite Health Promotion Units: 3
- KIN 363 - Human Sexuality Units: 3 and
- KIN 363L - Human Sexuality Lab Units: 1
- KIN 366 - Health Behavior and Promotion Units: 3
- KIN 375 - Motor Behavior Units: 3
- KIN 450 - Exer Prescript for Special Pop Units: 3
- KIN 461 - Stress Management Units: 3
- KIN 469 - Kinesiology Internship Units: 3
- KIN 490 - Evolutionary Medicine Units: 3
- KIN 492 - Healthy Skepticism Units: 3
- HDFS 350 - Lifespan Development: Transition and Change Units: 3
From classes in disc golf, kayaking, backpacking, rock climbing, and adventure sports; to run, walk, and roll programs on coastal trails; to mountain biking on the world class terrain of Fort Ord, students in the program find countless ways to take advantage of our unique coastal location. We also work with local high school mountain biking teams on both physical and mental preparation for optimal performance.
Through our award-winning Kinesiology Service Learning Program you’ll gain the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of sociocultural factors that impede and facilitate the health of residents in the tri-county area, and work to find ways to create an equitable, accessible, and inclusive environment for community members to engage in healthy behaviors
Faculty & Staff
Our faculty take pride in serving as mentors and advisors to their students, and regularly involve them in their research activities that include data collection, analysis, running interventions, presenting at conferences, and publishing in scientific journals.

Trish Sevene
Department Chair AY

Trish Sevene
Special Consultant

Michael Mendoza
Administrative Support Coordinator
Sara Powell says mindset is critical in staying with an exercise program.
Exercise is Medicine program is recognized by the American College of Sports Medicine.
“[One] friend wishes it was like ours because they feel like our curriculum better prepares them for careers after graduation.”
Questions? We’re Here to Help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the Kinesiology program.
Our experienced and supportive admissions staff is here to provide all the individualized guidance you need.
Study Kinesiology in an inspiring coastal environment where we are truly committed to mentorship and an engaging student experience.