Humanities & Communication, B.A.
Equipping you with a distinctive academic perspective integrating the humanities and communication that will set you apart in a range of professional fields.
The B.A. in Humanities & Communication offers a unique interdisciplinary academic journey that will deepen your understanding of these two distinctive fields and sharpen your communication, critical thinking, and cultural competency skills while also positioning you to specialize your studies through any of the program’s eight areas of concentration.
Public University Price, Private University Experience
A Lifetime of Value
Humanities & Communication, B.A.
The Humanities & Communication program offers a unique array and integration of courses that link communication with the humanities and ethnic studies, providing you with a distinctive degree that will set you apart from graduates of other programs.
Educational Objectives
Our supportive, nurturing program culture means you’ll have extensive access to faculty mentors and staff who are dedicated to advising and guiding you through the program every step of the way.
Our unique integration of several related areas of study offers a distinctive approach to learning both the fields of communication and the humanities, which delivers an excellent foundation for a wide range of career paths.
Our eight areas of concentration will empower you to blend skills development in communication, critical thinking, and cultural competency with specific areas of study including communication studies, creative writing and social action, English studies, English subject matter preparation, historical studies, journalism and media studies, legal studies, and philosophy and applied ethics.
Complete all of the following courses:
- HCOM 300 - Major ProSeminar Units: 2
- HCOM 475 - Senior Capstone Units: 4
Complete one of the following courses:
Complete one of the following Ethical and Effective Communication courses:
- HCOM 304 - Relational Ethics Units: 3
- HCOM 310 - Free Speech & Responsibility Units: 4
- HCOM 321 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture Units: 4
Complete one of the following Social and Cultural Analysis courses:
- HCOM 343 - Race and Gender Justice Units: 3
- HCOM 353 - California At Crossroads Units: 3
- HCOM 369 - Asian American History Units: 3
Complete one of the following Engaged Creative Practice courses:
- HCOM 328 - Latina Life Stories Units: 4
- HCOM 329 - Auto/Biografias Units: 4
- HCOM 330 - Intro Creative Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 371 - Community Journalism Studies Units: 4
Complete one of the following Humanistic Inquiry courses:
- HCOM 290 - Tacos, Territories, and Transnationalism: Research Methods Units: 3
- HCOM 301 - Ways Of Knowing Units: 3
- HCOM 327 - Survey American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 362 - Constitutional History Units: 3
- HCOM 391 - Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 3
Complete one of the following Service Learning courses:
- HCOM 307S - Soc Impct Of Mass Media SL Units: 5
- HCOM 317S - Advanced Composition, Composition Theories, Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 339S - Creative Writing and Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 340S - Topics in Social Movements Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 350S - Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL Units: 5 (RTI)
- HCOM 432S - Social Action Writing SL Units: 5 (RTI)
Complete at least 2 units from the following courses:
- HCOM 408 - Fact or Fiction? Units: 1
- HCOM 419 - Digital Publishing Practicum Units: 2
- HCOM 470 - Graduate Admissions Workshop Units: 2
- HCOM 471 - Professional Writing Workshop Units: 2
- HCOM 474 - Practical Research Skills Units: 2
- HCOM 476 - Advanced Public Speaking Workshop Units: 1-2
- HCOM 477 - Communication in Everyday Life Units: 2
Complete one of the following Public Communication courses:
- HCOM 310 - Free Speech & Responsibility Units: 4
- HCOM 312 - Deliberation and Advocacy Units: 3
- HCOM 321 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 372 - Social Media Theory and Practice Units: 4
- HCOM 409 - Communication Theory Units: 4 (RTI)
Complete one of the following Communication Ethics courses:
- HCOM 304 - Relational Ethics Units: 3
- HCOM 314 - Dialogue Across Differences Units: 4
- HCOM 316 - Media Ethics Units: 4
- HCOM 403 - Ethics and Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 440 - Leadership and Multicultural Communities Units: 4
Complete one of the following Peace and Justice courses:
- HCOM 306 - Gender and Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 309 - Interracial Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 349 - Environmental Philosophy and Communication Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 404 - Restorative Justice Units: 4
- HCOM 412 - Multicultural Conflict Resolution Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 423 - Religion and Public Life Units: 4 (RTI)
Complete 8 units from the following Creative Writing Content courses:
- HCOM 332 - Poetry Writing Workshop Units: 4
- HCOM 333 - Women’s Writing Workshop Units: 4
- HCOM 334 - Fiction/Creative NonFiction Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 339S - Creative Writing and Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 341 - Poetry & Pop Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 430 - Literary Journal Publication Units: 2
- HCOM 432 - Social Action Writing Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 432S - Social Action Writing SL Units: 5 (RTI)
- HCOM 433 - Life Histories & Creative Narrative Units: 4
- HCOM 434 - Creative Publishing and Critical Storytelling Units: 4
- HCOM 439 - Page to Stage Units: 2
Note: One of the three Creative Writing Content courses may be selected from the following list:
- HCOM 328 - Latina Life Stories Units: 4
- HCOM 329 - Auto/Biografias Units: 4
- HCOM 350S - Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL Units: 5 (RTI)
- HCOM 390 - Magazine Writing Units: 4
- CART 330 - Elements of Cinema Units: 4
- CART 340 - Screenwriting Units: 4
Complete one of the following Literature/Social Justice courses:
- HCOM 322 - Asian American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 323 - American Drama Units: 4
- HCOM 324 - African American Narratives Units: 4
- HCOM 325 - Narratives of American Immigration Units: 4
- HCOM 327 - Survey American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 335 - Amer Ethnic Lit & Culture Units: 3
- HCOM 336 - Poetry and Gender Units: 4
- HCOM 337 - Women’s Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 338 - Multicultural Adolescent Lit Units: 4
- HCOM 343 - Race and Gender Justice Units: 3
- HCOM 344 - Chicana/Latina Experiences Units: 4
- HCOM 345 - Chicanx Life & Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- HCOM 348 - Race, Colonialism, and Film Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 353 - California At Crossroads Units: 3
- HCOM 356 - Digital Multicultural U.S. Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 359 - Law, Politics and LGBTQ History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 365 - Chicanx Latinx History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 404 - Restorative Justice Units: 4
- HCOM 426 - Travel Narratives Units: 4
- HCOM 428 - Contemporary Chicana Poetry Units: 4
- HCOM 436 - Literature of Sexualities Units: 4
- HCOM 437 - Shakespeare Units: 4
- HCOM 443 - Black Feminist Theory & Praxis Units: 4
- HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 452 - Literature Into Film Units: 4 (RTI)
- SBS 304 - California Indian Societies Units: 3
- SBS 350 - Domination and Resistance: US since 1880 Units: 3
Complete one course from three of the following four areas. Students must complete at least 12 (twelve) units in the concentration.
Global Literary Studies
- HCOM 323 - American Drama Units: 4
- HCOM 327 - Survey American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 426 - Travel Narratives Units: 4
- HCOM 427 - Survey of British Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 436 - Literature of Sexualities Units: 4
- HCOM 437 - Shakespeare Units: 4
- HCOM 454 - History of Victorian Britain Units: 4
- GS 362 - Global Literatures Units: 3
- JAPN 309 - Masterpieces in Japanese Literature Units: 3
- JAPN 316 - Japanese Myth and Folktales Units: 4
- SPAN 425 - La Literatura Mexicana Units: 4
- SPAN 426 - Narrativa Hispanoamericana Units: 4
- SPAN 427 - Latin American Women Writers Units: 4
- SPAN 428 - La Literatura Afrolatina Units: 4
Multicultural Literary Studies
- HCOM 322 - Asian American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 324 - African American Narratives Units: 4
- HCOM 325 - Narratives of American Immigration Units: 4
- HCOM 328 - Latina Life Stories Units: 4
- HCOM 335 - Amer Ethnic Lit & Culture Units: 3
- HCOM 337 - Women’s Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 338 - Multicultural Adolescent Lit Units: 4
- HCOM 428 - Contemporary Chicana Poetry Units: 4
- SPAN 365 - The Chicano Narrative Units: 3
Writing and Rhetoric
- HCOM 306 - Gender and Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 309 - Interracial Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 320 - Grammar, Usage, and Power Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 321 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 329 - Auto/Biografias Units: 4
- HCOM 334 - Fiction/Creative NonFiction Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 390 - Magazine Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 420 - Advanced Studies in Rhetorical Theory Units: 4
- HCOM 422 - SelTop Multicultural Rhetorics Units: 4
Narrative Analysis and Film
- HCOM 348 - Race, Colonialism, and Film Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 352 - History According To Movies Units: 3
- HCOM 406 - Philosophy According to Movies Units: 4
- HCOM 452 - Literature Into Film Units: 4 (RTI)
- JAPN 310 - Japanese Cinema Units: 3
Complete the following course:
Complete the following course for the area of Literary Analysis:
- HCOM 429 - BritLit& Engl Lang Perspective Units: 6 (RTI)
Complete the following course for the area of Language, Linguistics, and Literacy:
Complete the following course for the area of Composition and Rhetoric:
- HCOM 320 - Grammar, Usage, and Power Units: 4 (RTI)
Complete the following course for the area of Speech, Media, and Creative Performance:
- HCOM 437 - Shakespeare Units: 4
Complete the following Research Methods course:
- SBS 363 - Historical Methods Units: 3
Complete one of the following Global and Transnational History courses:
- HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations Units: 4 (RTI)
- SBS 305 - Indigenous Histories Units: 3
- SBS 335 - Digital Ethnographies Units: 3
- SBS 341 - Global Crisis and Climate during the Early Modern World, 1400-1800 Units: 3
- SBS 343 - History of Capitalist Commodities and Drugs Units: 3
- SBS 354 - Rest vs West: Guns, Pirates, and Modernity Units: 3
- SBS 357 - History of Empires Through the Eyes of Interlopers and Intermediaries Units: 3
Complete one of the following Ethnic Histories courses:
- HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- HCOM 356 - Digital Multicultural U.S. Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 365 - Chicanx Latinx History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 369 - Asian American History Units: 3
- HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations Units: 4 (RTI)
- SBS 322 - Asian American Women’s History Units: 3
- SBS 350 - Domination and Resistance: US since 1880 Units: 3
- SBS 364 - The Japanese Internment Camps Units: 3
- JAPN 317 - Pacific Food Empires Units: 3
Complete one of the following History Depth courses, not already taken:
- HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- HCOM 352 - History According To Movies Units: 3
- HCOM 354 - Critical Public Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 356 - Digital Multicultural U.S. Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 359 - Law, Politics and LGBTQ History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 362 - Constitutional History Units: 3
- HCOM 363 - Topics in Social History Units: 4
- HCOM 365 - Chicanx Latinx History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 366 - History of Religion in the United States Units: 4
- HCOM 367 - Gender and United States History Units: 4
- HCOM 368 - U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction Units: 4
- HCOM 454 - History of Victorian Britain Units: 4
- SBS 304 - California Indian Societies Units: 3
- SBS 305 - Indigenous Histories Units: 3
- SBS 315 - Growth and Conflict in the United States to 1920 Units: 3
- SBS 325 - Art of the Aztec Empire Units: 4
- SBS 348 - Maya Civilization Units: 4
- SBS 350 - Domination and Resistance: US since 1880 Units: 4
- SBS 353 - Race, Class and Gender in the American West Units: 3
- SBS 355 - Archaeological Thought and Practice Units: 3
- SBS 378 - Revolution and People Power in the Modern World Units: 4
- SBS 383 - African Civilizations Units: 3-4
- SBS 386 - Social and Political Histories of California Units: 3
- SBS 389 - Environmental History of California Units: 3
- GS 316 - Approaches/ Global Histories Units: 4
- JAPN 305 - Introduction to Japanese Culture & Civilization Units: 3
- JAPN 307 - Japan-American Experience Units: 3
- SPAN 307 - History and Culture of Mexico Units: 4
- SPAN 308 - Hist/Cultr Aztlan:SW US Units: 4
- SPAN 309 - Hist & Polit Of Latn Amer Units: 4
Complete one of the following Media Law/Ethics courses:
- HCOM 316 - Media Ethics Units: 4
- HCOM 410 - Public Relations Ethics and Practices Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 411 - Media Law and Policy Units: 4
Complete the following course:
Complete both of the following Introductory Storytelling/Theory courses:
- HCOM 170 - Introduction to Mass Communication Units: 3
- HCOM 280 - Introduction to Reporting Units: 3
Complete one of the following Intermediate Storytelling/Theory courses:
- HCOM 315 - Media for Social Change Units: 4
- HCOM 319 - Global Communication and Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 334 - Fiction/Creative NonFiction Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 349 - Environmental Philosophy and Communication Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 361 - Crime and Communities Units: 4
- HCOM 370 - Media and the Military Units: 4
- HCOM 372 - Social Media Theory and Practice Units: 4
- HCOM 373 - Introduction to Public Relations Units: 3
- HCOM 383 - Genres of Social Justice Writing Units: 4.00
- HCOM 387 - Media Technology Units: 2
- HCOM 390 - Magazine Writing Units: 4
- CART 303 - Media, Power, and Society Units: 3
- CART 330 - Elements of Cinema Units: 4
- CART 361 - Intro to Editing Units: 4
- CART 376 - Documentary Production Units: 4
- VPA 305 - Media Culture Units: 4
Complete one of the following Advanced Storytelling/Theory courses:
- HCOM 409 - Communication Theory Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 424 - Latin American Media and Pop Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 434 - Creative Publishing and Critical Storytelling Units: 4
- HCOM 435 - Community Media Project Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 488 - Investigative Reporting Units: 4
Complete one of the following Philosophy and Ethics courses:
- HCOM 301 - Ways Of Knowing Units: 3
- HCOM 304 - Relational Ethics Units: 3
- HCOM 349 - Environmental Philosophy and Communication Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 403 - Ethics and Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 404 - Restorative Justice Units: 4
- HCOM 405 - Philosophy and Sexualities Units: 4
- HCOM 412 - Multicultural Conflict Resolution Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 440 - Leadership and Multicultural Communities Units: 4
- GS 351 - Global Econ: Theory & Ethics Units: 3
Complete one of the following Constitutional Issues courses:
- HCOM 357 - Constitutional Law Units: 4
- HCOM 362 - Constitutional History Units: 3
Complete two of the following Legal Studies courses:
- HCOM 302 - Religion and Law Units: 3
- HCOM 358 - Critical Perspective on Law in Society Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 359 - Law, Politics and LGBTQ History Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 361 - Crime and Communities Units: 4
- HCOM 398 - Legal Studies Internship Units: 4
- HCOM 411 - Media Law and Policy Units: 4
- HCOM 420 - Advanced Studies in Rhetorical Theory Units: 4
- HCOM 498 - Legal Aid Internship Units: 4
- GS 317 - Global Migrant Workers: Ethnic Experiences, Resistance, and Empowerment Units: 4
- GS 335 - Comparative Governments and Politics Units: 4
- GS 342 - Economic Thought: History and Contemporary Interpretations Units: 3
- GS 360 - Relig’n/Violence/Peacemaking Units: 4
- GS 370 - Global Political Economy Units: 4
- GS 390 - Global Politics Units: 4
- SBS 333 - Forensic Anthropology Units: 3
- SOC 333 - Sociology of Deviance Units: 3
Complete one of the following Philosophical Issues in Fairness and Justice courses:
- HCOM 342 - Feminist Theories & Methods Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 343 - Race and Gender Justice Units: 3
- HCOM 349 - Environmental Philosophy and Communication Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 404 - Restorative Justice Units: 4
- HCOM 423 - Religion and Public Life Units: 4
Complete one of the following Rhetorical and Philosophical Theory courses:
- HCOM 301 - Ways Of Knowing Units: 3
- HCOM 321 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 405 - Philosophy and Sexualities Units: 4
- HCOM 406 - Philosophy According to Movies Units: 4
- HCOM 420 - Advanced Studies in Rhetorical Theory Units: 4
- HCOM 422 - SelTop Multicultural Rhetorics Units: 4
Complete one of the following Applied Ethics courses:
- HCOM 304 - Relational Ethics Units: 3
- HCOM 316 - Media Ethics Units: 4
- HCOM 403 - Ethics and Communication Units: 4
- HCOM 404 - Restorative Justice Units: 4
- HCOM 410 - Public Relations Ethics and Practices Units: 4 (RTI)
- HCOM 412 - Multicultural Conflict Resolution Units: 4 (RTI)
HCOM 440 - Leadership and Multicultural Communities Units: 4
The program is highly focused on social inequality and injustice, and our students regularly engage in service-learning opportunities to deepen their understanding of social, cultural, and civic aspects related to personal and professional identities.
Some of our service activities include refurbishing computers and making them available for low-income families for almost no cost, teaching community members how to use software to bridge the digital divide for underprivileged communities, creating digital marketing and ecommerce sites for small businesses and local farmers, and helping local schools secure and stabilize their computing networks.
Faculty & Staff
Our faculty are dedicated mentors to their students and offer a wide range of opportunities for personalized guidance, through formal events and activities to informal meetings and advising sessions.

David Erwin
Administrative Support Assistant II

Phuong Nguyen
Associate Professor

Phuong Nguyen
Department Chair AY

Patrick Belanger
Special Consultant

Patrick Belanger

Hojin Song
Associate Professor

Mridula Mascarenhas
Associate Professor

Estella Porras
Associate Professor

Estella Porras
Instr Fac,Spcl Pgms-For Credit

Sriya Shrestha
Assistant Professor

Jeremias Zunguze
Associate Professor

Jeremias Zunguze
Special Consultant

Kaiqi Hua
Assistant Professor

Jennifer Fletcher

Qun Wang

Kelly Medina-Lopez
Associate Professor
Here's a short recap of the year's highlights.
CSUMB is meeting or exceeding all six goals, including increasing graduation rates, decreasing time to graduation, and closing equity gaps.
Topics included the university’s continuing rise in national college rankings, student graduation and success, and new Otter traditions like The Plunge.
Questions? We’re Here to Help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the Humanities & Communication program.
Our experienced and supportive admissions staff is here to provide all the individualized guidance you need.
Study Humanities & Communication in an inspiring coastal environment where we are truly committed to mentorship and an engaging student experience.