Agricultural Plant & Soil Sciences, B.S.
Creating tomorrow’s visionary leaders in developing 21st-century agricultural solutions for California’s Salinas Valley.
The Agricultural Plant & Soil Sciences program offers you a dynamic, forward-thinking experience integrating the scientific principles of plant biology, soil science, agronomy, and pest management with the kind of cutting-edge applications that will set you apart in the field.
Public University Price, Private University Experience
A Lifetime of Value
Agricultural Plant & Soil Sciences, B.S.
The plant science program develops visionary, skilled professionals in the agricultural sector through its distinctive blend of hands-on learning, enthusiastic support from faculty mentors, and an unparalleled focus on issues unique to the Salinas Valley.
Educational Objectives
Our emphasis on hands-on learning creates a dynamic and engaging experience – fueled by lab work and Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) – which will empower you with the skills to succeed on day one.
Our cohort learning model and low student-to-faculty ratio ensures that you’ll get all the individualized mentorship and opportunities to collaborate you need to make the most of your experience and gain the best possible preparation to succeed.
Our proximity to the Salinas Valley delivers a setting unlike any other in one of the most important agricultural regions in the world, enriching your learning experience and uniquely preparing you to thrive and succeed in the field.
Our college-to-career pathway provides internship opportunities and professional networking with global leaders in the agricultural sector, leading to an exciting range of career opportunities when you graduate.
Complete all of the following courses:
- AGPS 128 - Introduction to Soil Science Units: 3
- BIO 106 - Introduction to Plant Science Units: 3
- STAT 100 - Introduction to Statistics Units: 3
- BUS 202 - Micro Economics Units: 3
- AGPS 301 - Technical Writing for Agriculture Units: 2
- AGPS 302 - Careers in Agriculture Units: 1
- AGPS 350 - Research Methods in Crop and Soil Science Units: 3
- AGPS 371 - Weed Science and Technology Units: 3
- AGPS 372 - Agricultural Entomology Units: 3
- AGPS 390 - Crop Management Units: 3
- AGPS 415 - Advanced Irrigation and Nutrient Management Units: 3
- AGPS 470 - Integrated Pest Management Units: 3
- AGPS 490 - Projects in Crop Management Units: 3
- BIO 306 - Biotechnology for Agriculture Units: 3
- BIO 306L - Biotechnology for Agriculture Lab Units: 1
- BIO 322 - Plant Pathology Units: 4
- BIO 332 - Plant Physiology Units: 3
- CHEM 305 - General, Organic, and Biochemistry in Agriculture and Environmental Science Units: 3
Complete one of the following course/course combinations:
- CHEM 109 - Introductory Chemistry Units: 3
- CHEM 110 - Chemistry I Units: 4 and
- CHEM 110L - Chemistry I Lab
Complete one of the following courses:
- AGPS 216 - Plant Propagation and Production Units: 3
- CHEM 211 - Organic Chemistry I Units: 3
- CHEM 211L - Organic Chemistry I Lab Units: 2
- AGPS 108 - Tractor Operations Units: 3
- AGPS 181 - Plant Materials and Usage - Spring Units: 3
- AGPS 182 - Plant Materials and Usage - Fall Units: 3
Complete at least 3 units from the following courses, not previously taken:
- AGPS 181 - Plant Materials and Usage - Spring Units: 3
- AGPS 182 - Plant Materials and Usage - Fall Units: 3
- AGPS 191 - Small Fruit Production Units: 3
- AGPS 192 - Vegetable Crop Production Units: 3
- AGPS 216 - Plant Propagation and Production Units: 3
- AGPS 297 - Independent Research in Agriculture Units: 1-2
- BIO 211 - Ecology, Evolution, Biodiversity and Plants Units: 4
- CHEM 110 - Chemistry I Units: 4
- CHEM 110L - Chemistry I Lab Units: 1
- CHEM 111 - Chemistry II Units: 4
- CHEM 111L - Chemistry II Lab Units: 1
- ENVS 240 - Environmental Biology Units: 4
Complete one of the following courses:
- AGPS 315 - Soil Resource Management Units: 4
- BUS 434 - Policy/Regulation in Environmental Agribusiness Units: 4
Complete one of the following courses:
- AGPS 389S - Agricultural Service Learning Units: 3
- BIO 379S - Biology Service Learning Units: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
- AGPS 394 - Agriculture Internship Units: 1-2
- AGPS 397 - Independent Research in Agriculture Units: 1-2
- AGPS 497 - Independent Research in Agriculture Units: 1-2
You’ll study plant and agricultural science in the Salinas Valley, a region known as the “Salad Bowl of the World.” Our close proximity to large-scale producers of fresh vegetables and fruits means you’ll be immersed within a hub of agricultural innovation and gain the kind of preparation to succeed that most schools simply cannot match.
We strive every day to improve lives and communities, putting our knowledge and skills to work in settings where they’re most needed. You’ll complete at least 25 hours of service working with public and non-profit partner organizations, including the Food Bank for Monterey County’s five-acre farm. You’ll help create a crop management plan for the food bank’s farm, harvest produce, develop sustainability plans, and gain an understanding of the socio-economic factors affecting our region.
This service-focused learning will equip you with a broadened perspective and unique set of experiences that employers and graduate schools will appreciate and respect.
Faculty & Staff
Program faculty are accomplished experts in plant science and agronomy, and will offer you one-on-one mentoring, support, advising, and facilitate professional networking opportunities with their vast industry connections.

Aparna Sreenivasan
Department Chair AY

Jose Pablo Dundore-Arias
Associate Professor

Caetano Albuquerque
Assistant Professor

Arun Jani
Assistant Professor

Arun Jani
Special Consultant

Jack Koster

Jack Koster
Faculty Additional Employment

Lindsay Devaurs

Scott Blanco

Scott Blanco
Special Consultant

Danitza Alvizar Fernandez
Biology Laboratory Support Technician

Joanna Sorci
Administrative Support Coordinator
The buildings on the east end of campus will further agricultural research.
A forum, panel discussions and industry opportunities highlight the event.
AJ Purdy processed NASA satellite data to determine how vulnerable groundwater-reliant environments were.
Questions? We’re Here to Help!
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the Agricultural Plant & Soil Sciences program.
Our experienced and supportive admissions staff is here to provide all the individualized guidance you need.
Study Agricultural Plant & Soil Sciences in an inspiring coastal environment where we are truly committed to mentorship and an engaging student experience.