Office of Inclusive Excellence

Inclusive Excellence Plan

University Strategic Plan Priority #2: Inclusive Excellence

The University Strategic Planning Committee and the President’s Committee on Equity and Inclusion have been working on a campus inclusive excellence plan (“The University Strategic Plan Priority #2: Inclusive Excellence”). The Inclusive Excellence Plan is one of four priorities within the University Strategic Plan. This plan is informed by findings from the Diversity Mapping Project and the Campus Climate Study. The plan has four strategies: 1) Anticipate and respond to the needs of a diverse university community; 2) Support the development and professional growth of a diverse faculty, staff, and administration; 3) Strengthen outreach, recruitment, and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and administrators; and 4) Ensure graduates can engage in ethical reasoning and public action informed by historical, multicultural, global, ecological, and equity perspectives.

Fulfilling the university strategic plan requires us to engage in specific processes that will support the plan's successful implementation. One of the strategies that will be necessary to advance Priority #2 – Inclusive Excellence is the development and implementation of inclusive excellence plans. Priority #2 calls for the fulfillment of inclusive excellence plans at the division, college, and department/unit levels. The completion and implementation of inclusive excellence plans across the university will help us in our efforts to become more equitable and inclusive. That goal is crucial for our efforts through the strategic plan, and it is consistent with the university's overall mission.

The Office of Inclusive Excellence and Sustainability (OIES) and the President's Committee on Equity and Inclusion (PCEI) will provide guidance and support in completing the plans; they will be meeting regularly with each cohort to answer any questions regarding the process. The process will also include timelines for the completion and submission of the plans. 

The drafting of inclusive excellence plans began with the spring pilot 2021, with cohorts beginning spring 2022. By spring 2023, 26 units representing all areas across campus have drafted inclusive excellence plans (timeline and list). Well over 150 CSUMB community members have participated in the development of these plans, with implementation projected for the '23-24 academic year and plan renewal in 2025.


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