Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Summer 2018 pilot assessments of ILO2 and ILO3

Institutional Learning Outcome 2: Personal, Professional, and Social Responsibility

May 4th deadline

Institutional Learning Outcome 3: Integrative Knowledge

CSUMB graduates synthesize and connect knowledge, skills and experiences across disciplines, allowing them to address new and complex situations.

April 20th deadline

The purpose of this page is to provide faculty with information about the summer 2018 Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO) pilot assessments of ILO2 (Personal, Professional, and Social Responsibility), and ILO3 (Integrative Knowledge), including information about why and how to contribute student work.

Why participate? The more programs that contribute student work to these projects, the better the institution will understand the different ways degree programs currently support personal, professional, and social responsibility (ILO2) and integrative knowledge (ILO3). This information will be used to...

  • Develop institution-level assessment practices that align with and support current practices within degree programs.
  • Promote a common understanding of ILO2 and ILO3 across degree programs.
  • Share existing approaches used by degree programs to support student achievement of ILO2 and ILO3.
  • Identify ways curricular and co-curricular learning can be integrated to better support student success. .

Can I apply for both? YES!

Assessment philosophy: For information about CSUMB's assessment philosophy and assessment of ILO1 (Intellectual Skills), see Supporting Student Achievement of the Intellectual Skills at CSUMB.