Payroll Services

CSU Moving and Relocation

The CSU Moving and Relocation Policy covers full or partial reimbursement for the actual and necessary expenses incurred for packing, insurance, transportation, storage in transit (not to exceed 60 calendar days), and unpacking and installation of the employee's household goods at the new residence, when properly documented by itemized invoices and receipts.

An employee and spouse or domestic partner may be reimbursed for relocation travel expenses (defined as a one-way trip from the former residence to the Monterey area.)

NOTE:  The reimbursement of expenses shall terminate immediately upon establishment of a permanent residence.

Please use the Moving & Relocation Reimbursements Checklist to keep track of expenses and required documentation.

Please read the full CSU policy prior to the move. Updated Moving and Relocation Policy and CSU Internal Procedures Governing Reimbursement for Moving and Relocation Expenses

Please email with any questions.